Second post! I have decided to publish the strips on a Tuesday-Thursday-Sunday schedule. I currently have a backlog of 40-some strips. Let's hope I can keep it that way.
Hi. I simply stumbled onto your site. I like your characters and I am curious. So I tied your blog to my rss feed reader and will keep track of your strips... cool. Dan
Welcome to Winston's Odyssey.
This is the tale of Winston-a hyperactive, yet philospophical grade schooler-and his friends: Thaddeus (An enthusiastic dog/squirrel hybrid), Aesop (A wise, coffee-drinking penguin), Karl (A homicidal butterfly with a less-than-basic grasp of human nature), Winston's sister, Elise (A girly girl who's less mature than she thinks she is) and the next door neighbor, Sara, who challenges Winston's preconceived notions of both femininity and sanity.
Hi. I simply stumbled onto your site. I like your characters and I am curious. So I tied your blog to my rss feed reader and will keep track of your strips... cool.
I love it...even the second time around! :)
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